Screen wireframes on paper notebook with opened fine-liner pen

Stop guessing do your user research

We don’t recommend relying on guesswork and hunches in your UX design process. Learn user research to find out what people actually need and create better, more usable products.

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$ 290

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Mon Apr 01 2024 at 7:29:50 AM

Sound Familiar?

When do I do user research – and how? I have no clue.

I interviewed some people and have some notes, but I still don’t know how to use all of it.

How do I know what questions to ask?

I don’t know what tools to use – everyone recommends something different.

I want to design an app – what research method do I use?

I want to be able to conduct UX audits and find errors in my app.

Then take a quick look at how this course can help
Then take a quick look at how this course can help

I’m new to user research – where do I even start?

Seriously, start with this course! You’ll learn the entire user research process – from recruiting the right users to creating research scenarios all the way to actually doing the thing, analyzing the results and communicating them to your stakeholders.  

From that moment on, your designs will be based on what people really need – and not only on what everyone else *thinks* they need (including your client or boss and their assistants, but excluding your actual users).

Gain in-demand skills – and build up your confidence

  • Rely on research and data

    And don’t let anyone counterargue your data-based findings with “Nope, don’t like it” – ever again.

  • Build apps people want to use

    The world doesn’t need more useless app prototypes. Build something that solves people’s problems – and maybe even does some good in the world?

  • Get helpful tools

    We’ll get you what you need to do your (new) job: template scenarios, data analytics tools and beautiful (we mean it!) canvases to present your results.

Become an evidence-based UX pro

  • Master core research methods

    Is it better to do interviews, a UX audit or usability testing? After the course you’ll know which one’s a better call based on specific project requirements.

  • Plan a UX research study

    Define your goals and success metrics, with a thourough plan of how you’ll go about the research to get meaningul insights meant to improve your product.

  • Create low-fi designs

    Learn how to create low-fidelity wireframes based on your research insights to test out your concepts before you get to the visuals.

What's inside the course?
What's inside the course?

  • Step 1
    You’ll learn hands-on how to define the entire research context of the project. It’s not just about talking to users - you need to know exactly which users and in which are the areas you need to find out more about. We’ll define project outcomes that are a driving force of any design as well as create value propositions to match those outcomes.
  • Step 2
    You’ll learn how to map out all the stakeholders of the project to make sure that we talk to the right groups of people about the right subject matters. You’ll also gain insight into what to watchout for during your own commercial work. You’ll learn how to create a user archetype using our very own 99grit Profiling Deck.
  • Step 3
    You’ll learn how to combine all of the gethered information into a Hypothetical Experience Map that will be the fundamental element of your research. You’ll learn how to create a research scenario as well as how to turn the archetype into a recruitable profile and gain access to some real people.
  • Step 4
    You’ll learn how to prepare, undertake and manage In Depth Interviews - one of the go-to tools for qualitative research explorations we use on a daily basis. Sounds like a simple discussion but there’s far more to it that that. We’ll actually undertake an Interview Live so that you can see all the ins and outs.
  • Step 5
    You’ll learn how to create an online questionnaire - one of the main tools for our quantitative research studies. We’ll be using TypeForm to create an actual research online form and you’ll learn how to synthesize the information into something that you can use as a basis for your future design work.
  • Step 6
    You’ll learn how to undertake a UX Audit of any app. We’ll provide you with a checklist that will allow you to run any app through its paces - even your own one. 
  • Step 7
    You’ll learn how to synthesize and create a research report using a template we provide you with that you can then take and use on your own projects commercially. You’ll learn hat to emphasize in your presentation and how to present research data and results.

These classes were one of the best ones, because I learned so much. I use this shared knowledge till today, because I chose UX and UI design category for my bachelor degree work.



Got skills. Now what?

Want to avoid doing a course then forgetting about it? We want that for you too. So you'll get ongoing support from our weekly online community #RebelInnercycle to help you keep accountable and use - and sell - the skills you learned during the course.

What you're getting

Workshop Toolkit

Commercial Licence

Resources which you'll know how to use

Access to the rebel's inner circle every week

Diploma to confirm your skills.

Invest in yourself

Get this course right now!

$ 290

OK! This is awesome!

Make the shift with Andy:
Make the shift with Andy:

Andy Woynarowski

Creative director, leader, artist, and UX design rebel. Creator of99grit Academy. Expert in design thinking, user experience design, visual design, and concept art. With experience working on multi-million-dollar digital transformation projects, writing books on the subject, and teaching thousands of students in 120 countries both online and at the Fine Art Academy in Gdansk, Poland. Someone who's been there and can help you get there, too.


  • **Who is this course for?**
    It’s for user experience designers, product designers, and design thinkers who deeply care about creating exceptional customer experiences. It’s the only course covering the details of research preparation and synthesis
  • I'm a graphic designer, is this course for me?
    You don’t have to be a researcher or have a degree in social sciences to do the course. It is for you if you want to get a market edge as a designer and understand the needs of the users you’re designing for.
  • Is this course helpful in a UX job?
    And is the Earth round? ;) UX research is one of the biggest and most impactful areas in the job of a UX designer. Even if you don’t want to be a researcher, you should know at least the basics, like how to work based on UX research someone else does for you.
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80-219 Gdansk